Thursday, December 25, 2008

Community. . .A Health Promotion Approach to Understanding Community

Five principles guide the community quality of life approach. The approach adheres to World Health Organization concepts of health and health promotion. It also emphasizes the social determinants of health and well-being and uses a quality of life model to consider the effects of these determinants. The approach calls for a strong respect for the community and its members. And, it calls for seeing the world through their eyes and reporting it in their words.

To understand a community through the eyes of its members, specific methods are used. In group discussions and individual interviews, community residents, service providers and elected representatives are asked to consider aspects of their neighbourhoods and communities that either enhance or diminish their quality of life. The community portrait that emerges identifies strengths to be protected and community needs that should be addressed.

In brief, the steps involved in carrying out a community quality of life project include focusing and planning, carrying out data collection and analysis, and reporting and communicating results.

Finally, a community quality of life project is concerned with acting on findings and contributing to community action. Carrying out a community quality of life project is only the first step in working to improve the quality of life of community members.

(Sources : Quality Of Life Project)

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